Category: Non-surgical Facelifts

Turning Back the Clock

As we age, our face loses volume and the elasticity of our skin declines. Mix all of this with the effects of gravity, and we have a recipe for saggy or droopy skin โ€“ this is how wrinkles, frown lines and crowโ€™s feet are born. We all would love our skin to remain radiant and youthful, so we will let you in on a little secret about how we can help you turn back the clock. TEMPLโ€™s non-surgical facelift is the perfect treatment to help you look and feel your best. Our treatment can help reduce sagging skin and helps to restore volume to your face without any scarring like other traditional procedures. The Technology TEMPL uses the BTL EXILIS SYSTEM to treat the signs of ageing. EXILIS is a monopolar-radio frequency device that offers non-invasive treatment with no restrictions on what skin type you have. This innovative technology uses

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