Let’s Talk About Cellulite

It can be stubborn, and we feel your pain.

In fact, around 90% of women will experience cellulite during their lives as a result of the different distributions of connective tissue, fat and muscle.

Did you know that women are more susceptible to cellulite than men?

Cellulite is caused by a build-up of fat underneath the skin. The amount of cellulite that develops is dependent on a combination of your genes and body fat percentage. Cellulite can look like dimpled or bumpy skin, or within very mild cases you may only see it when you pinch an area of your skin.

Women are More Susceptible to Cellulite

Men are less likely to have cellulite as their connective tissue has a criss-cross structure. This means their fat cells have nowhere to poke through and create dimples. However, in women, the fat layer is arranged vertically which increases the chances of the fat layer protruding and showing up as lumps and bumps.

Cellulite formation is a natural, physiological process in women that often affects the thighs, buttocks and sometimes lower legs and stomach. Our skin is made up of different layers which contain fat, blood vessels and connective fibres. The appearance of cellulite can increase as we age as our skin starts to thin and becoming less elastic.

Grades of cellulite may differ between women:

  • First grade: the least visible with minor dimples
  • Second grade: skin may appear looser
  • Third grade: deeper dimples

Overall, cellulite is a tricky thing to eliminate. That’s where TEMPL can help.

The Technology

We use Medical Grade technology that is TGA and FDA approved. Our treatments are non-invasive, which means there is no pain and no downtime involved.

The innovative technology is known as EMTONE and helps to treat all five causes of cellulite and loose skin. EMTONE diminishes fat chambers, remodels collagen, restores skin elasticity, improves blood flow, and increases metabolic waste removal, allowing the skin to rejuvenate.

What’s Involved?

The first treatment is a consultation (it’s free!) where one of our experienced therapists will sit with you to design a tailored treatment plan for your body. Cellulite reduction can be treated on the abdomen, buttocks, upper arms and love handles or any areas where you may have dimpling.

The treatment involves gliding the EMTONE handpiece over the targeted area. This can feel like a hot stone massage and is performed in a relaxing, lying-down position. During this process, you can sit back and make yourself comfortable by playing on your phone or watching an episode of your favourite show on Netflix.

EMTONE delivers thermal and mechanical energy to the body to help eliminate the causes of cellulite. The monopolar heating and targeted pressure energy stimulates the production of new collagen, reduces fat cells and smooths the appearance of cellulite.

Results from the cellulite reduction treatment can be noticed after your first session. Lasting effects require five sessions. Each session takes about 10-20 minutes depending on the area and must be scheduled over 2-4 weeks.

Book a Complimentary Consultation

We are here to help you regain your confidence and empower you.

Book a complimentary consultation with one of our therapists and receive 50% off your first cellulite reduction treatment. Only for a limited time


Healthline, What Is Cellulite and How Can You Treat It?, 2023.

Victorian Cosmetic, Cellulite Treatment, 2023.

Venus Treatments, Why Some Women Get Cellulite and Others Don’t, 2023.

Genevieve Green
Founder & Head Clinician

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