Erectile Dysfunction

A Pain-Free Solution for Men’s Intimate Health

Achieve & Sustain Erections Naturally with BTL EMSELLA

A Clinically Proven Breakthrough Technology

BTL EMSELLA offers a groundbreaking approach to addressing erectile dysfunction by targeting the root causes of the condition. Unlike traditional methods that rely solely on medication or invasive procedures, the EMSELLA chair harnesses the power of electromagnetic technology to strengthen pelvic floor muscles — the often-overlooked foundation of male sexual function!




*Emsella treatments are supported by the Australian government. Fill in this form to get up to $640 rebate.

The Treatment


To treat erectile dysfunction, BTL EMSELLA uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to stimulate muscle contractions and increase blood flow in the pelvic floor region. This helps to restore and re-educate neuromuscular control of functions that are crucial for bladder control and sexual satisfaction ie. the urinary sphincter, urethra, and bladder.

A single EMSELLA treatment induces thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions that encourage blood flow and the development of muscle mass and strength – this is equivalent to performing 11,200 Kegel exercises, an amount not possible on your own!

By enhancing neuromuscular control over the pelvic floor muscles, EMSELLA offers many benefits for clients with erectile dysfunction. These include: increased rigidity and hardness, increased control and duration of erections, improved sensation, and reduced premature ejaculations.

The psychological benefits are also equally valuable as treating erectile dysfunction can help to alleviate low self-esteem and anticipatory anxiety prior to sexual intimacy.


The pelvic floor muscles are addressed to treat erectile dysfunction as they play a crucial role in male sexual function:

Supports pelvic organs and maintaining of proper blood flow during arousal, which is essential for achieving and sustaining erections.

Controls the timing and intensity of ejaculation by contracting rhythmically during orgasm.

Contributes to increased sensitivity and improved sexual satisfaction.


A typical treatment for Erectile Dysfunction takes about 30 minutes and 4-6 sessions will be required. The sessions are quick and discreet so you will be out before you know it. Clients can begin to feel tangible results right after the first treatment and positive results will continue over the next few weeks with many reporting a significant increase in their sexual readiness, function, and endurance.

The Journey



For our erectile dysfunction treatment, all you need to do is sit comfortably on our EMSELLA chair. The device is non-invasive so you will remain fully clothed throughout – we recommend loosely fitted clothing to help achieve the best positioning during the treatment.

When the treatment starts you will feel a slight tingling and vibrations in your pelvic floor muscles that will then turn into full contractions. This will be completely comfortable and tolerable. The procedure is painless and the intensity of the electromagnetic waves is adjustable.

Take this 30 minutes to read a magazine or catch up on some Netflix.



No preparation nor medicine is needed for this treatment. Simply swing by our Melbourne, Brighton clinic for a session in the EMSELLA chair whenever you have half an hour free.

Neither is there any downtime thanks to the non-invasive nature of this erectile dysfunction treatment!

Common EMSELLA chair side effects include a mild muscle soreness in the pelvic area (similar to what you might feel after an intense workout!). This is temporary and you can get back to daily life immediately after the procedure.



Maintenance is required 6 months after the initial treatment series. We book you in for a follow up appointment to ensure you maintain your new pelvic floor strength and continue to enjoy the freedom and benefits.

The Technology


BTL EMSELLA treats erectile dysfunction by using high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) energy to restore clients’ control of their bladder, pelvic floor muscles, and sexual satisfaction. Scientific research has shown that 95% of treated patients reported significant improvement in their quality of life.

Weak pelvic floor is a common cause of erectile dysfunction. Certainly, excercises such as Kegels can help to improve erectile dysfunction as they help to strengthen the muscles needed for an erection. However, the amount of time and dedication required to achieve satisfactory results is sometimes just not worth it. Nor are they as easy as they sound. There is also no machine designated at the gym to optimise your pelvic floor. However, EMSELLA can do just that!

Ultrasound waves are emitted to induce thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions – powerful muscle contractions not achievable by the body on its own. When the muscles contract, their fibres rip and split apart signalling the brain to initiate the natural process of tissue regeneration. Increased blood flow and new regenerative cells migrate to the targeted muscles, restoring tissue function necessary to achieve and maintain erections.

Put simply, EMSELLA is designed to naturally rebuild muscle tissues from the inside out! Pelvic floor muscles are strengthened, improving the chance of naturally achieving and maintaining erections without the need for impotence supplements and medications such as viagra which have only shown limited effectiveness. 

For those who have undergone a prostatectomy or radiotherapy and suffer from erectile dysfunction as a result, this pelvic floor machine is a fantastic treatment option. EMSELLA offers a relief from intensive operations and extensive recovery times as the treatment for erectile dysfunction is incredibly low impact. Clients only need to remain seated in a chair and can expect no adverse side effects or required downtime.

EMSELLA can also treat other pelvic floor issues at the same time such as urinary incontinence which can also occur as a side effect of prostate surgery and other associated prostate complications.

In recognition of EMSELLA’s breakthrough technology, the device was awarded the following at the prestigious New Beauty Awards:

– “2019 Best Innovations of the Year”
– “2021 Best Intimate Health Treatment”
– “2022 Best Intimate Health Treatment”


Testimonials & Reviews


Every journey begins with a complimentary consultation.

New clients can also receive their first BTL EMSELLA session completely free so you can experience results for yourself.

The Australian Government has a payment scheme whereby they will give incontinent patients $635.10 per year towards continence products and this can be used towards Emsella treatments! Learn About Rebates.

As with all treatments, the exact cost will vary from client to client. What you pay will depend on the degree of your condition, the type of treatment required, and the number of treatments we recommend. We will discuss this together in our complimentary consultation session to determine the most effective and successful treatment plan for you.

BTL EMSELLA is a suitable treatment for men with mild to moderate erectile dysfunction; although it may also benefit some individuals with more severe cases when used in combination with other treatments.

It is great for those who prefer non-invasive treatments over medications or surgical procedures as it offers a comfortable, non-surgical approach without the need for anesthesia or downtime.

To note, BTL EMSELLA may not be suitable for clients with certain medical conditions or devices (i.e. implanted electronic devices like pacemakers or metal implants in the pelvic region). We will discuss this with you thoroughly during your complimentary consultation.

A course can range from as little as 6 sessions to as many as 8 sessions depending on the treatment plan. Additional follow-up sessions over longer periods may also be necessary in order to maintain the best results. These are generally short 30-minute sessions so clients can go about the rest of their day uninterrupted. 

EMSELLA is developed by BTL aesthetics, one of the leading manufacturers of non-invasive radiofrequency technology for cosmetic enhancement and is FDA-approved. Numerous clinical studies and real-world experiences support the safety and efficacy of EMSELLA for treating various pelvic floor disorders, including erectile dysfunction. Plus, unlike other treatments for erectile dysfunction, EMSELLA has the incredible benefit of being non-invasive, painless, and far safer.

The longevity of your results will vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the condition, individual response to treatment, lifestyle factors, and any underlying medical issues.

After completing the initial treatment sessions, some clients experience long-lasting improvements in pelvic dysfunction associated symptoms – these can persist for months or even years. However, it’s essential to note that the effects of BTL EMSELLA treatments are not necessarily permanent. Of course, you will never regress back to where you were at the start of your treatment sessions, however, it is important that clients return for maintenance every 3 months.

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