Restore Pelvic Floor Health & Confidence
Non-invasive Muscle Re-Education for Prolapse
A Clinically Proven Breakthrough Technology
BTL EMSELLA offers a non-invasive, painless, and effective solution to correcting the pelvic organ prolapses. High-intensity focused electromagnetic waves is used to stimulate thousands of supramaximal contractions in the pelvic floor muscles, strengthening it so it can support the pelvic organs as intended.
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The Treatment
If you’re experiencing muscle cramps around your intimate areas or feel something bulging in your pelvic area, then you might be suffering from a Pelvic Organ Prolapse or POP.
This condition occurs when the pelvic floor muscles become weak or damaged. They no longer support organs such as the bladder, uterus, and rectum, causing them to prolapse or ‘bulge’ from their natural position.
To treat pelvic organ prolapses the EMSELLA chair targets the root cause of the problem: the pelvic floor muscles.
The EMSELLA chair offers an alternative to prolapse treatment that is modern, safe, and effective in approach. Utilising high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology (HIFEM), the device induces deep pelvic floor muscle contractions that encourage the body to build muscle mass strength. With adequately strengthened pelvic floor muscles, the body will naturally support and correct pelvic organ prolapses such as bladder, rectum, or uterine prolapses.
A single EMSELLA session brings thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which are extremely important in muscle re-education of women after childbirth, incontinent patients, and those with decreased intimate satisfaction.
The pelvic floor muscles are addressed in order to treat pelvic organ prolapses and its associated symptoms, these include:
This feeling will be present in the vaginal area for women.
Loss of bladder control, causing urinary leakage or the inability to fully empty the bladder. We have a treatment specifically tailored for this condition: Urinary Incontinence Treatment.
Constipation or straining bowel movements.
Caused by the pressure or bulge of the prolapsed organs.
Weak pelvic floor muscles and the resulting pelvic organ descent can contribute to lower back pain or discomfort.
Clients treated for a prolapsed pelvic organ (a prolapsed uterus, bladder, or rectum) observe improvement after a single session and will typically continue to improve over the next few weeks. Depending on the client’s condition, approximately 6-8 sessions, 2 per week is recommended to achieve maximum results.
This procedure takes only 28 minutes and are quick and discreet. You can even drop by to have your treatment done during a lunch break.
The Journey
For our prolapse treatment, all you need to do is sit comfortably on our ergonomic pelvic floor chair while it does all the work for you. EMSELLA is non-invasive and non-surgical so you will remain fully clothed throughout the treatment.
During the procedure, you will experience tingling and mild, easily tolerable pelvic floor muscle contractions. The sensation may feel unusual but there is no discomfort or pain. To cater to your complete comfort, the intensity of the electromagnetic waves is adjustable.
Our prolapse treatment requires no preparation. Although we generally recommend wearing loosely fitted clothing so that optimal positioning can be achieved during the procedure.
There is also no downtime or recovery period as EMSELLA treatments are non-invasive.
Common EMSELLA chair side effects include a mild muscle soreness in the pelvic area (similar to what you might feel after an intense workout!). This is temporary and will resolve shortly. You are free to jump back into your daily routine immediately after the treatment.
EMSELLA offers long-lasting relief for pelvic organ prolapse. Studies show that most clients can maintain results 6 months after their prolapse treatment, however we do recommend booking another consultation after a few months from your treatment day.
Generally, we encourage a maintenance session every 3 months – this frequency will vary depending on the severity of the condition.
Being consistent with Kegel workouts in your exercise routine also goes a long way toward a strong and resilient pelvic floor.
The Technology
BTL EMSELLA is a breakthrough treatment for pelvic organ prolapses (uterus, bladder, and rectum), incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and wavering confidence. This unique technology revolutionises intimate health and wellness by providing those suffering from pelvic floor-related conditions with a completely non-invasive option.
Medically approved by both the TGA (ARTG #302821) and FDA, this pelvic floor machine utilises HIFEM to activate motor nerves and induce thousands of supramaximal muscle contractions. As muscle fibres rip and split apart from the contractions, this triggers the body’s natural tissue regeneration process. Muscles are repaired stronger than before, making for a durable pelvic floor that is capable of supporting the uterus, bladder, and rectum.
Commonly referred to as the ‘Kegel Throne’, EMSELLA also produces better results than basic pelvic exercises at treating organ prolapses. Kegel exercises may induce the same type of muscle contractions in the pelvic floor area, however, producing satisfactory results would take incredible amounts of time and effort. More importantly, there is no guarantee that these Kegels would be done correctly. One study shows that even women with prior knowledge of Kegel exercises find it difficult to perform them correctly!
TEMPL is one of the few official providers of the EMSELLA chair in the Melbourne, Bayside area. In recognition of EMSELLA’s breakthrough technology, the device was awarded the following at the prestigious New Beauty Awards:
– “2019 Best Innovations of the Year”
– “2021 Best Intimate Health Treatment”
– “2022 Best Intimate Health Treatment”

Testimonials & Reviews
Every journey at our Melbourne clinic begins with a complimentary consultation.
New clients can also receive their first BTL EMSELLA session completely free so you can experience results for yourself.
The Australian Government has a payment scheme whereby they will give incontinent patients $635.10 per year towards continence products and this can be used towards Emsella treatments! Learn About Rebates.
As with all treatments, the exact cost will vary from client to client. What you pay will depend on the degree of your condition, the type of treatment required, and the number of treatments we recommend. We will discuss this together in our complimentary consultation session to determine the most effective and successful treatment plan for you.
BTL EMSELLA is suitable for both men and women who experience symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction such as urinary incontinence or pelvic pressure, or have been diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse by a healthcare professional. It is particularly great for those seeking a non-surgical or non-pharmaceutical treatment option for their condition.
To note, BTL EMSELLA may not be suitable for individuals with certain medical conditions or devices (i.e. implanted electronic devices like pacemakers or metal implants in the pelvic region). We will discuss this with you thoroughly during your complimentary consultation.
A course can range from as little as 6 sessions to as many as 8 sessions depending on the treatment plan. Additional follow-up sessions over longer periods may also be necessary in order to maintain the best results. These are generally short 30-minute sessions so clients can go about the rest of their day uninterrupted.
EMSELLA is developed by BTL aesthetics, one of the leading manufacturers of non-invasive radiofrequency technology for cosmetic enhancement and physiotherapy. The device is FDA-approved.
Unlike other treatments for pelvic prolapse repair, EMSELLA has the incredible benefit of being non-invasive, painless, and safe. Pelvic prolapse surgery like inserting a mesh sling or pessary requires continual care and run a high risk of infection and bleeding. Not to mention, the constant reliance on medicine needed for upkeep.
The longevity of your results will vary depending on several factors, including the severity of the condition, individual response to treatment, lifestyle factors, and any underlying medical issues.
After completing the initial treatment sessions, some clients experience long-lasting improvements in pelvic dysfunction associated symptoms – these can persist for months or even years. However, it’s essential to note that the effects of BTL EMSELLA treatments are not necessarily permanent. Of course, you will never regress back to where you were at the start of your treatment sessions, however, it is important that clients return for maintenance every 3 months.
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