Abdominal Separation

Restore Your Core After Pregnancy

Treat Diastasis Recti with 20,000 Supramaximal Contractions

A Clinically Proven Breakthrough Technology

BTL EMSCULPT offers a non-invasive solution for treating abdominal separation, a common postpartum condition for all mothers. HIFEM technology is used to induce 20,000 powerful supramaximal muscle contractions. This works to strengthen muscles and gradually reduce the gap caused by abdominal separation, resulting in a more unified and stable core.




The Treatment


Abdominal separation or the ‘ab gap’ is the result of the separation of two large vertical bands of muscles that meet in the centre of your abdomen (rectus abdominis) from their attachment point (linea alba) that runs down the body’s midline. This condition is called diastasis recti and commonly occurs during pregnancy when muscles are stretched outward to make room for your growing baby.

While the separation of abdominal muscles usually resolves itself within weeks following delivery, 40% of mothers still suffer from it six months later. The belly may appear to stick out just above or below the belly button, making you look pregnant months or years after giving birth. And it’s not just appearance. Abdominal separation can also cause other issues such as lower back pain, bloating, and constipation. The process of getting your body back to its pre-pregnant state is often difficult, however with the EMSCULPT, abdominal separation can be reversed effortlessly.


EMSCULPT is widely used to treat postpartum abdominal separation due to the prevalence of diastasis recti in women after giving birth.

It can also treat abdominal separation in men which is often caused by factors such as obesity, improper exercise, and excessive heavy lifting.

Our body sculpting machine targets the area below and at the belly button.


Abdominal Separation requires 6-8 sessions with 2-3 per week. These are short 30 minute sessions so you can get back to your daily activities uninterrupted. You will notice improvement after your first session with final results seen and felt in 2-4 weeks. After your last session, you will continue to see improvements for up to 3 months.

Before & Afters

The Journey



The treatment is painless and will feel like a soft workout. The EMSCULPT machine straps over your targeted area and then the power is turned up, starting at a lower power level. The contractions occur a few seconds apart and you will feel vibrations delivered to your core. The machine will then switch over to a tapping motion to help break up the lactic acid that’s being released by your muscles.

The procedure is performed in a relaxing, lying-down position and typically takes 20-30 minutes. In the meantimes, you can watch Netflix, use your phone or use this time to wind down and catch up on some much-needed relaxation.



Our abdominal separation treatment utilises the EMSCULPT which is non-invasive and has no recovery time or any pre/post treatment preparation. You can get back to your daily activities immediately afterwards.

Some clients may feel sore for a day or two after the abdominal separation treatment. This is completely normal and is the same soreness that you would experience after an intense workout.



All muscles require work to keep them functioning properly, and this is no different for your abdominal muscles (rectus abdominus).

We recommend booking a follow-up consultation a few months after your initial treatment to see if you will benefit from additional sessions. For even more long-lasting results, EMSCULPT should be used in conjunction with regular physical exercise and a healthy diet.

The Technology


BTL EMSCULPT offers a non-invasive method for improving the effects of abdominal separation which commonly affects women after pregnancy. FDA- and TGA (ARTG #316563) approved, medical CE-marked, and backed by extensive research and clinical trials, it is proven to rebuild the vital core muscles which are affected during pregnancy.

This novel device utilises HIFEM or Highly Focused Electromagnetic Energy to stimulate powerful muscle contractions. In response to the strain of these contractions, the body is triggered to produce new muscle tissue, enhancing existing muscle fibres so that they are stronger and tighter than before. Thanks to the heatless nature of the procedure, there are no risks of burns, scarring, or swelling either.

In addition to improving abdominal separation though building muscle mass and definition, EMSCULPT also has the added benefit of burning fat. It is revolutionary for being the only device on the market capable of doing both at the same time!

TEMPL is an official provider of EMSCULPT in the Melbourne, Brighton area. In recognition of EMSCULPT’S ground breaking HIFEM technology, the device was awarded “Best New Innovation” at the prestigious 2019 New Beauty Awards.

EMSCULPT Reviews for Abdominal separation

Testimonials & Reviews


Every journey at our Melbourne body sculpting clinic begins with a complimentary consultation.

We also offer a 50% discount on your first treatment so you can experience results for yourself.

As with all treatments, the exact price will vary from client to client. What you pay will depend on the degree of your condition, the type of treatment required, and the number of treatments we recommend. We will discuss this together in our complimentary consultation session to determine the most effective and successful treatment plan for you.

For mothers who are unsatisfied with their post-pregnancy body no matter how much they try to control their diet or exercise, EMSCULPT is for you. It is a pain-free, non-surgical, and no-downtime way to define your abs and treat abdominal separation.

What’s more, men can also benefit from EMSCULPT. Diastasis recti in men is often the result of performing unsafe or excessive abdominal workouts, lifting heavy weights, and rapid weight change.

While not suited for women who have had a vaginal birth in the last 8 weeks or anyone who has undergone abdominal surgery in the last 6 months, there is no expiry date to this treatment. Diastasis recti can be fixed years later with EMSCULPT.

A course can range from as little as 6 sessions to as many as 8 sessions depending on the treatment plan. Additional follow-up sessions over longer periods may also be necessary in order to maintain the best results. These are generally short 30-minute sessions so clients can go about the rest of their day uninterrupted. 

EMSCULPT is developed by BTL aesthetics, one of the leading manufacturers of non-invasive radiofrequency technology for cosmetic enhancement. The device has been cleared by the FDA for use in treating abdominal separation. As with any medical procedure clients may experience some side-effects. This may include temporary soreness a day or two after the treatment, but it is completely normal and no different from the soreness you would experience after a workout!

Our clients usually report seeing visible results within 2-4 weeks of their last session and continue to see improvements for up to 3 months after completing their treatment.

After completing all your treatment sessions, the results will typically last up to 24 months – this is why we recommend a maintenance session every 3 months!

While abdominal hernias and diastasis recti may seem similar, EMSCULPT cannot address the underlying issues associated with an abdominal hernia. The primary treatment for an abdominal hernia remains to be surgical repair which involves pushing the protruding tissue back into place and reinforcing the weakened area, usually with a mesh.

Nevertheless, EMSCULPT is beneficial for preventing future hernia by strengthening the abdominal muscles. It is a great prevention treatment.

If you are unsure whether you have abdominal separation, we will thoroughly assess your condition during your complimentary consultation session. In general, signs of abdominal separation include:

  • Gap Between Muscles: a separation of tummy muscles of more than 2-3 finger widths.
  • Abdominal Doming or Coning: When muscles are engaged, you might see a bulge or ridge along the midline.
  • Weak Core: A feeling of weakness in your core muscles, difficulty performing core exercises, or lower back pain.
  • Postural Issues: Poor posture and difficulty maintaining an upright position.
  • Digestive Issues: Some individuals may experience bloating or digestive problems due to weakened abdominal muscles.
  • Pelvic Floor Dysfunction: Problems such as urinary incontinence can be associated with diastasis recti due to the interconnectedness of the core and pelvic floor muscles.

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